C-11, r. 9 - Regulation respecting the language of commerce and business

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In force: 2025-06-01
27.4. On public signs and posters and in commercial advertising that are both in French and in another language, French is markedly predominant where the text in French has a much greater visual impact than the text in the other language.
In assessing the marked predominance of French, the text in French for the business hours, telephone numbers, addresses, numbers, percentages or definite, indefinite or partitive articles is not considered.
In assessing the visual impact, the following are not considered where their presence is specifically allowed under an exception provided for in the Charter of the French language (chapter C-11) or in a regulation made for the application of the Charter:
(1)  a family name or a place name;
(2)  a trademark, except the trademark that appears on public signs and posters visible from outside premises and written, even partially, only in a language other than French;
(3)  other terms in a language other than French.
O.C. 1000-2024, s. 6.